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What Happens to Your Money?

Writer's picture: Spy BatSpy Bat

We have done a few fundraisers so far, and now you might be wondering...what happens to the money? We hope to answer that question here.

There are several ways for the Plushie Help Network to use the money you, our friends, so generously donated. We send both money and things to plushies and humans in need.

Money: If a plushie affected by the war tells us that they need money, we get in touch with the human and discuss how we can help. The money might for example be needed because the human lost their income due to the war and they need some cash just to get by, or a plushie in a neighbouring country might be hosting a refugee family, which makes them need money to buy extra food and so on.

Things: When we use the money to buy things for our friends who are still in Ukraine, we look carefully at what items the plushies tell us that they need. We research where the items are easiest to get hold of, and to a good price. The items we buy are then sent to our friends in Poland who organize for packages to be sent to our plushie friends who are still in Ukraine.

We are also using the Swedish postal service's response to the Ukrainian postal service's appeal for help with transportations, which allows us to ship things from Sweden to Ukraine for free. The packages are then distributed to different places in Ukraine where people need them the most.

Items needed are for example canned food, water purification tablets, first aid medical equipment, and hygiene products.

With all the money collected through the fundraisers we have done so far, we can really make a difference for our plushies and humans affected by the war. A big THANK YOU to all of you who donated!

If the needs continue, we might be back with more fundraisers. We're not leaving our friends in need alone! ❤️

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